She was brought in a week ago, measuring only about a palm size and half long. Super tiny la she, everytime wriggle in my arm when i carry her..
Below are some of her pics.. XD
Some are abit blur though..
Coco and my bro
I find this rather funny.. Why do silky terriers love to pose as "Master"?
6th Sep
Mon was the first day of school. Dear drove me to NIE. Honestly speaking, if without him, i think i would have gotten lost that day, and after which i would just sit there and cry on the pavement, cause i really dunno how to read map lor! But luckily, everything turns out well and smoothly for the rest of the week, except on Tues, as I lost my way and was a bit late for class.
Mon i had lunch with Yiyuan, Joyce and clique, at NTU canteen. It was packed man i tell you, PACKED TO THE MAX eh.. Those fast food stores meant for quick meals the Q was super long as well.. Zzz..
Camwhoring before school.
4th Sep
A bit late for this post, but i was too busy for the last few days (weeks) that i only have time right now to post them. Nothing unusual, except that the big tree in front of my unit was "murdered". Sudden loud sawing noise at 2pm disrupted me from my sleep (yes, i actually slept through the noon till 2 plus). My grandpa was standing at the corridor watching the Bangala sawing down the tree. See? Typical k-po Singaporean.
Poop! Down it went!
Ok, so it seems like i am one of the typical ones as well.. LOL!!!
3 months of NIE this year, to many of my friends, they feel that it is quite a relaxing term for me, cos it's extremely short, in a wink, the term is over; but to me, i find it to be a even more stressful term.. Cos it means that i have much lesser time to accustom to the new environment, lesser time to accomplish my assignments, and even lesser time to prepare for the final round of battle -- exams..! >.<
Just hope that all will continue to go on well for me.. *with fingers crossed*