Bebe resting.. weather Too hot le!!!

Quite a bad day for me today!!
1) A day too hot for me
2) UOB card got retained at atm, cos i blur blur, forgot to take bck card after transactions!!!!!
3)Back kena bitten by some bugs, or was it dust, i duno. Big patches now, very very itchy..
Anyway, the worst is still the part where my card got retained. Haix.. Somemore i never bother to remember the account numbers, but luckily when i called UOB, i only nid info on my family stuff.. I mean, account number so long, of cos i will lazy to memorise wad =P
So, dear dear helped me. He noe i stressed when card got retained. He brought me go eat at "Hanggul" or something lidat, i cant remember the shop name. Bought my aloe vera gel and face shop eye makeup remover, 2 bottles, in case i nid again soon.. hahaa, as if i DRINK the remover lidat..
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