Anyway, just a few updates on what i have been doing..Have u guys read my fren, ying hui's blog? If not, you an go read up on it, cos i am currently doing the same thing as her now.. She is really one licky gal, i do her things for her.. se just need to look out only, hahahah!!!
I am unable to upload pics on the place yet, cos i never bring my camera with me. Tmr i am bringing, and will be taking some photos.. Tmr dear dear will also help out by re-taking those display pics, and i will probably upload them if i have the time.
oh, one more thing, i am super glad to be starting on this track during holiday, cos i made a few damn good colleagues cum frens.. And.. they are all from NGEE ANN! Even the boss also graduated from there sia.. So qiao rite??!!
Love you guys!!!
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