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Today, dear and I went to Bukit Panjang pet shop, and we saw this cute yorkshire puppy. It looks exactly like Bebe when puppy, just that this cutie's face smaller..
Actually, we wanted to buy one moe silky terrier long ago le, reason is, in case anything happen to Bebe one day (TOUCH WOOD!!), there will still be his descendants around, with bits of their dad's character.. At least, they represent him... Loving them will also be us loving Bebe.
But hor, this stupid terrier breed very hard to find, even if we manage to find the website for homebreeders, they will be sold out very fast, left with make ones sometimes.
No choice Bebe, got to wait.. Ah Gong may not agree to it yet as well..
Dun worry, we will get you a wife de.. =) dun EMO le.
Bebe's future wife. He wants it. LOL!! (silky pup, XD)
Imagine! A wedding held for the terrier couple.. Wahaha!! I am going to buy one wedding kimono for the wifey, if, i have the chance to get one.
Alrites, gonna go now, will blog again soon.. Busy these days, so pls pardon me if i failed to blog the next few days..
Yes yes, i am finally back.. I know i know, i'm sorry..
Well, its ok, cos i am back to my blogging period again.. =)
Since there was such a long gap in between, i have to squeeze those few posts into one.
First, lets talk bout my first day of sore eys recovery..
FinallYY!! Wow man, i can tell you that period was my worst sore eyes days, full 5 days. Cos got work, no time to see doc or rest. One day off was not enuf wor.
Me. Camwhoring. Yay, eyes are ok now.. No redness.. =)
I was quite sad, cos in few more days will be the end of my work le.. I really enjoyed a lot over there. =( So many things happened in these short 2-3 weeks, i really learned a lot. I learned how to be initiative towards customers, and i realised scooping ice cream is actually that hard. My finger started forming hard skin layer liao, and my wrist was painful during the fist few days.
Our 全家福, lol.. Thanks guys! Thanks boss & lady boss, u 2 are the greatese employers i have ever seen.. =D
That was sunday when i stopped work. The next day, Dear bougt me back to Yew Tee Point, cos i need to return back the apparels. He got me a super big surprise -- A Big Melody!! Cos my name is also Melody, so he bought it for me. He told me, when the cashier scanned the item that time, it appeared, " Melody x1".. He said it looked like he buying me home lidat, LOL!!!
My Melody, :D. Its bigger than my pillow sia, hahaha..
Today, i did something terrible.. I screwed up an incident, that causes Dear's bro to be unhappy. Dear went back home, knowing that his bro sure will come question him, so i told him to admit that i'm the culprit, yet he refused.. He said, he is in a war now, and that in a war, the man takes all.. SOBX!! I'm sorry dear, sorry to caused you to be scolded...
I love you, thanks for all you have done for.. Thanks..
I do not know what to blog about, no camwhoring, cos these few days got sore eyes, look damn ugly.
I have quite a few things happening in life now. Mainly abt bgr things. Not me, but my frens.
Hopefully, i will get the chance to encounter somthin fresh tmr? Maybe?..
Anyway, my eyes are alrite now.. =)
Omg, cannot believe that i was so..oo busy, that i missed so many posts liao.. lol.
Anyway, went for my bro's bbq at ECP on wed, cos was his birthday.. Before seeting off, we went to sheng shiong to buy those stuff needed, which cost us more than $80!!
Bebe was very excited to be travelling again. =D
Bebe wanted his head out, he wanted the "whoom, whoom" feeling, haha!
My brothers: one stick and one ball, wahaha!!! XD
On our way back, bebe was exhausted. He and his sleepy eyes. Wake up, bebe!
Below are some random pics.
That day at work, yew bee was boiling eggs, when suddenly one of them just "striped" its upper body naked by itself, lol.. Half of its shell just came off by itself.
Dear dear cooked his egg-gie set for me. One for him, one for me. =) Yum Yum!
That's it.. Wonder when i will have the time to blog again.. But i will try to make time for it, =)
Do you know what u have done? Instead of salvaging the problem, you've made it worse.
To D:
I hate pple who has been faking in front of me, when you actually think that badly of me. I treated you as a good fren, yet u stabbed me in the back. I tot u are a good fren... I wana delete the post i'd uploaded about you.
What kind of person are u exactly?
To Dear:
I duno what's going to happen in these few days.. What will our future be.. Will we even have future??
I felt like an idiot for that moment, and will in future.
Today, Ying hui wanted to shop for some stuff at Lot 1, so i pei her. After reaching her stall, she suddenly dun wan to buy liao, so we down to Sasa for my face masks...
Masks that i bought at Sasa.. The aloe de for dear dear. Only $1.95 each, and buy 1 get one free sia!
Bought lip balm as well, cos got promotion, only $2!
I love this lip balm, cos got shiny glitter after applying.. Nude color, and glossy as well, thus the lips also look a bit plumped. =)
Oh, by the way, i went to buy for Bebe a new top at Pet's Lovers Centre.. xD
The "CEO" top.. LOLS!!!
I love buying tops with weird designs for him, haha.. Previously bought 2 liao, one with "bodyguard" word on it, the other got the skull head de.. hahahah!!! Luckily he is a doggy, if not he will snap at me for "abusing" him liao..
At nite, dear came in a car with Bebe.. They waited for me to knock off.
Then, we went to da bao dinner home at jalan teck whye hawker centre. Dear dear went down to order, leaving me and Bebe in the car. Bebe was whinning away all the while.. Jia lat le..
Bebe and his anxious look.
Went home that time, gave dad his masks (i bought 2 for him as well). He duno how to put, ended up looking like one transformer robot, hahahahaha!!!!
Ok, gonna go now, tmr still got work. I today just transferred money for the top i've ordered at The Women's Closet. Busy busy week..