Well, its ok, cos i am back to my blogging period again.. =)
Since there was such a long gap in between, i have to squeeze those few posts into one.
First, lets talk bout my first day of sore eys recovery..
FinallYY!! Wow man, i can tell you that period was my worst sore eyes days, full 5 days. Cos got work, no time to see doc or rest. One day off was not enuf wor.
Me. Camwhoring. Yay, eyes are ok now.. No redness.. =)
I was quite sad, cos in few more days will be the end of my work le.. I really enjoyed a lot over there. =( So many things happened in these short 2-3 weeks, i really learned a lot. I learned how to be initiative towards customers, and i realised scooping ice cream is actually that hard. My finger started forming hard skin layer liao, and my wrist was painful during the fist few days.
Our 全家福, lol.. Thanks guys! Thanks boss & lady boss, u 2 are the greatese employers i have ever seen.. =D
That was sunday when i stopped work. The next day, Dear bougt me back to Yew Tee Point, cos i need to return back the apparels. He got me a super big surprise -- A Big Melody!! Cos my name is also Melody, so he bought it for me. He told me, when the cashier scanned the item that time, it appeared, " Melody x1".. He said it looked like he buying me home lidat, LOL!!!
My Melody, :D. Its bigger than my pillow sia, hahaha..
Today, i did something terrible.. I screwed up an incident, that causes Dear's bro to be unhappy. Dear went back home, knowing that his bro sure will come question him, so i told him to admit that i'm the culprit, yet he refused.. He said, he is in a war now, and that in a war, the man takes all.. SOBX!! I'm sorry dear, sorry to caused you to be scolded...
I love you, thanks for all you have done for.. Thanks..
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