Our school open house started from 6th to 9th Jan, so was my duty for the first 2 days. However, due to some personal issues, i can only attend on the first day.
Our room has this photo taking area, where u can have u and your frens taken with or without the ancient royal robes on. Below is a good example of the clothes. (Wen xu and 南Laoshi) ^^
Was quite a boring day, as not many came in the morning, when my duty started. It seems like those who wana enter my course are those who have decided to apply, thus no need for the ope house trip.
9TH Jan 2010
My birthday ~~ Thanks to all who wished me on that day or later.. =) I appreciate it. As it falls on a saturday, mamny of my frens can't manage to celebrate with me but nvm, steph and si ting decided to make up for it on other days, =P
That CH hor, lol, i tot she forgot my birthday sia, never wish me. In the end, she did wished me, but guess where? --- In her blog.. zzz.. =D but still, thanks!
11TH Jan 2010
Back to my monday blues.. Gonna start doing other assignments liao, no more time le, somemore today just received another new assignment for writing in chinese media. Haix..
Me, before going school.
Dear dear chatted with me that nite, i told him i would miss him, and he replied me this:
He said he will miss me too, dreading the countdown days..
Less than 2 months before leaving for china..
Guys, preparing for your trip le ma??
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