Me, random de. Lol, can see that this was taken at night.. Yea, supposed to blog that nite, but too bad, cos no time for me to do that.
Well, since it is new year, it should be a prosperous festival not only for us, but for our fren as well, like, our pet dog?
Bebe received his first ang bao ever in the whole 3 years on this earth. =D
Bebe and his first red packet from me and dear dear. Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Guess what is inside??
Is a whole packet of teriyaki flavoured beef nuggets!! Yummy..!
Random Bebe
Duno for what reason, Bebe suddenly gave us this pitiful look. With his ears drooped.
Yes~~ Bebe?? You are such a cutie pie.. MuackX!
Dear dear carried the small boy up. Aiyo Bebe, why~~?
Bebe: "HUH? I got say anything meh??"
Me and Dear dear..
Another sneak attack on Bebe while he sleeping. Hmm.. i have no idea whi i love doing this sneaky thingy, but i just wana disturb the small one. He looks super adorable and cuddly when asleep.
Buried in his sleep (halfway). Can spot his eye?
Oops! Woke up! ~~ Bebe: "Why u looking at me? What thing?"
Me: "I just wana say good nite sweetie."
Bebe: "Good Nite mummy.."
Good Nite Everyone Out There and Sweet Dreams!! ^^
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