Cannot believe this, I said i will frequently update here, but always ended up with the attitude that everyone will bound to have in their life: Laziness!
Really, although today i am here updating, my pics are pathetically few. 惨啊~~
Alright, never mind, i shall just go ahead with this post for today.
My Yummy Reunion Lunch at Vivo - "Go India" Indian Cuisine!
I Know, it seems kind of weird right? Cos i am supposed to be having Chinese meal on that day, rather than this. Well, it's kinda of an eye opener for me, as it is my FIRST time seeing so many Indian delicacies: masala, curry, bread, soup and anything you name it! It's a buffet by the way XD.
I took my first plate.
So overall, i quite like this place. Oh ya! Dun forget to pick up a bit of their "post-meal" spices at the counter when you are paying! The guy told us (Dear & me) that this rice green tea scented ( I duno about you guys, but to me it really smelt like green tea) spices is meant to refresh breathe after a meal of curry, masala and other heavy spiced food. Well, no harm trying right?
My opinion: DO NOT EAT unless you are IMMUNED to Indian spices! The taste is too much for me to take!
Random pics of me during first day of CNY.
To save time, i combined them togother. (They are all the same anyway.)
Updates on Coco.
This "lovely" girl of mine is growing very well, entering her 9th month soon. As usual, she is still very mischevious.
Oh, did you notice the pink toy she was biting onto? Yup, that's her HG toy - Pinky the octopus. :D, so cute right! Every now and then she will bite her toy and flung it around, playing; pound on it then jump back a few steps, pretending she is hunting for house rodents.
I love love love silky terriers! They are forever so energetic and eager to please us.. Muack..!
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