Chinese believe, after a person passed on, their spirit will return to visit their family on the 7th day (头七). Which is why, many times we will see a piece of red paper pasted on the walls of void deck, usually at the lift area, up to a certain storey. That storey is where the deceased stayed when he/she was alive. This is to guide the spirit back to their home, in case "it" forgets where it is. During these 7 days, many people actually have strange encounters of thier own, including me...
守夜 - Albert's nightmare
Just like them, my mum's funeral was held at the void deck, with pieces of red paper pasting on the wall, up till our 3rd floor. It was my most dreadful 3 days 2 nights. I cried like nobody else's business, whenever I looked at her face in the coffin, lying down there peacefully, my tears would just flow on its own. Just couldn't help it..
According to Chinese belief, the children are supposed to stay overnight at the funeral, buring incenses, or even sleep there. We call it “守夜”. This is to prevent anyone or anything from disturbing the wake, especially from cats - black cats. Strictly to keep cats out of the place, we don't want them to leap over the coffin. (I know, just another belief. So I also wonder if it is real...)
That night, me, my BF Albert, and my aunt had to stay. BF and me were so tired, we fell asleep beside the coffin. Suddenly, I heard Albert gasping for breathe! I shock him awake, and asked what happened. He told me, he dreamt of himself falling down from a tall building, and the feeling was so real, that he actually thought he WAS FALLing and had to gasp for breathe, because the fall was too long, as if the building had 100 storeys like that. The next 15 mins or so, I had to wake him up 3 more times, because his body kept shaking, and he kept gasping for breathe again! Throughout the whole night, he told me his dreams were nothing but just accidents, such as a knock down, fall and other tragic nightmares.
After this, we told my aunt that we are going home to sleep. Luckily her son was there with her as well, so she agreed.
夜半惊魂 - Mysterious female voice.
I went to my room, my dad slept in the same room, on my bro's bed. Albert and my 2 younger bros slept in my mum's room, on her king sized bed. My dad was snoring, so I had no choice but to listen to MP3 player. I remembered very well, that time I was listening to one of my favourite song, "Cherish" by NEWS. Towards the end of the song, where the boys stopped singing and the background music was playing,
I suddenly heard a female voice, "Wen...." (My maiden name). I was taken aback, not by the calling, but by the voice of it. It sounded like my mum's!!! Only my parents call me "Wen", my grandparents and other relatives all call me "Ah Wen". So I paused my song, took out my earpeice and scanned my room. No, no one was there. My dad was still snoring away loudly. I thought to myself, maybe it was just hallucination. I continued with my music, this time, I repeated the song. Again, towards the end, at the same part where the boys stopped singing and music was playing, I heard it again. "Wen.."
I opened my eyes wide. I just couldn't believe my ears. I know this time it was real, because throughout the whole process I was not even asleep yet, still very awake, and I heard it twice. Never before have I heard such voice appearing in "Cherish". Furthermore, the part where the voice appeared, was not even the singing part! Just plain background music! So it couldn't be more wrong, there is really something going on.
Bebe showed signs of unknown presence
I looked at my dog Bebe's cage, he was sitting down, not sleeping, but facing the wall instead, with his back towards the door. I forgot to mention that, earlier on, just the night my mum passed away, Bebe looked extremely petrified. His body was trembling, tail drooped, head down. He refused to look at the direction of my mum's room. He refused to look at the small altar that we set up to offer jossticks to my mum for. He only wanted someone to hold him. That moment, all of us felt hairs standing on ends. My dad especially, he has long arm hair, so it is very obvious when he showed us his. From that minute onwards, we all know, that we were not alone. The sixth sense is just so strong. You can really feel another unseen presence there. The atmosphere was chilly. Let me tell you, you just cannot run away from this feeling, no matter how much you try to shake off.
Besides me, Albert experience was even more spooky than mine!
For that, I will leave it to the next post. This post is a bit too long le.
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