Was damned happy when dear bought a new hp for me, hehe..
He also bought one for himself as he was signing new line at M1, he got the W508, a white one, cos the M1 shop at IMM dun huf the black one..
I was quite fortunate, as IMM dun huf the hp, then when we arrived at JP, there were only 2 such model left..
The person says even the color also has one only.. Rose color de..!!
Haha! NVM la! i wanted tht color all the while, so, hehehe, of course in the end i still buy. The color display very nice wor, and especially the gesture control system. Just by waving ur hand back and forth (not too fast), u can silent ur alarm and call alert tones!!!
I am quite sure, that any girl who wants a thin and stylish design will fall in love wif it in first sight de lor.. LOL!
I couldn't upload my hp pics though.. duno why oso, after i click "done", the post is still empty leh. I will try again some day. Right now damned stressed with new media, the always-so-time-consuming-module. 20 PHOTOs for them. Man, we are human leh, 2 wks how to take? u cant just take anyhow ma, need the rite time and mood and subject de ma.. Sianzzz
My Life; My Journey
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
1:37 AM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
FRINGE gone!!!!

Bebe gallery
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
10:53 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bebe's gallery..
Bebe.. our model of the day ^^
Bebe.. our model of the day ^^
Turns out that bebe is quite a good model wor! =D
The grey pic was taken when somebody was coming towards the direction of my room, and bebe was curious.. When dear dear go away, that was how he will look as well, lols.. So i did greyscale. Anyway, will be blogging other tmes, IF i got photos lor.. =)
Bebe.. and toy toy
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
11:34 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Bebe with his toy..

Bebe woke up after a nite nap..
Bebe emo-ing.. cos albert never pei him.. hahahaha!!

Today was a boring day.. Dear was at my house the whole day, and he slept when he came to my house arnd 8 plus am.. till 12 plus..
We watched 《逃学外传》in the afternoon, haha, 黄一山, he looks like one of his frens, wei lian!!! lol.. In MIO tv.. how i missed 林志颖!!Heard that he is now a racer.. =)

Bebe woke up after a nite nap..

Bebe emo-ing.. cos albert never pei him.. hahahaha!!

Today was a boring day.. Dear was at my house the whole day, and he slept when he came to my house arnd 8 plus am.. till 12 plus..
We watched 《逃学外传》in the afternoon, haha, 黄一山, he looks like one of his frens, wei lian!!! lol.. In MIO tv.. how i missed 林志颖!!Heard that he is now a racer.. =)
At nite, dear, as usual, slammed bebe on to thebed o play, this time wif bebe's own stuffed toy, hhe!! Bebe lov...vvee his toy so much, that he slept on it.. so cute!!!!
Really, without bebe, my life is damn dull, cos he is like a small kid, making u wana protect him forever, and wif him arnd time is always occupied =)
Nice sunset.. =)
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
10:52 PM
Friday, June 12, 2009

OMG!!! Rare view leh..
That evening, dear dear was driving me to print photos, then he suddenly nudged me to look to my left. The sky damn nice lor, bright striking colors.. Seriously, i never edit any parts of it at all de hor.
Had a hard time trying to capture, cos the i am in a moving car, and y the time i managed to take, the sun had set even more le. ut it was nice still.. =)
Will share more pics in my blog again.. =D
Black out
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
11:45 PM
Monday, June 8, 2009

See? the whole floor all blackout, but this is from the right corner, the left corner and beyond ok.

My bro, toking to his gf, kena scolded by my dad for "enjoying this moment" away, lol

Weird.. Only our block kena, opp never.
Wah.. got blackout tonite, and i mean tonite! cos it happened like 1 hr plus ago, at 10.50pm, 08/06/2009.
My dad was super fed up, cos my mum was doing her dialysis halfway, when the machine stopped. I asked him to call the emergency number, he said nvm, think will have pple call liao.
Half an hr later, i searched for him the number, asking him to call. He agreed, and the caller said that the town council had already been notified, will be fixed soon.
At arnd 11.30, still havent recover.. My dad was swearing away, saying, "those engineers cycled here to fix isit?!!", LOL!
The electricty came back at 11.46pm. Yay, finally.. I wan my air-con back ok??


See? the whole floor all blackout, but this is from the right corner, the left corner and beyond ok.

My bro, toking to his gf, kena scolded by my dad for "enjoying this moment" away, lol

Weird.. Only our block kena, opp never.

My dad was super fed up, cos my mum was doing her dialysis halfway, when the machine stopped. I asked him to call the emergency number, he said nvm, think will have pple call liao.
Half an hr later, i searched for him the number, asking him to call. He agreed, and the caller said that the town council had already been notified, will be fixed soon.
At arnd 11.30, still havent recover.. My dad was swearing away, saying, "those engineers cycled here to fix isit?!!", LOL!
The electricty came back at 11.46pm. Yay, finally.. I wan my air-con back ok??
Fast shutter
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
11:26 PM
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The water photo taken outside Esplanade.. .jpg)
I took this pic, as fast shutter de..
But got rejected by teacher, cos he says not nice.. But i like it, cos of the lighting, and effort taken to take the pic.. =)
I took this pic, as fast shutter de..
But got rejected by teacher, cos he says not nice.. But i like it, cos of the lighting, and effort taken to take the pic.. =)
verge of breaking down..
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
12:17 AM

I am Seriously in need of stress-relieving!!!!
Its true, i am not joking. Yst in order to find inspirations for new media, dear dear drove me to esplanade there. We were lucky to catch the show " flip" something something, aiya, me and my lousy memory.. The performance was amazing, really.. But couldn't stay ong, had to take pics le.
We took a few pics there, some to be handed in, some for memories purpose.. Before that, dear took some nice pics which he intended to blog about, but too laxy to i guess, lol. Nvm, i upload for u ba =)
New media sucks my whole brain juice out!!!
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
11:36 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wah!!!!! I am really having headache ah!!! oh, did i mention b4 that i cannot face computer for too long? Cos i will have terrible headahces. s long as it is electronics, i will.
Got one photo rejected by ah bob, sian. Cos i simply send him one unedited pic. I was too tired to edit somemore u see.. However, i learnt many new stuff in this module. that's good =)..
alrites, i guess only after common test then can really blog again ba...
Got one photo rejected by ah bob, sian. Cos i simply send him one unedited pic. I was too tired to edit somemore u see.. However, i learnt many new stuff in this module. that's good =)..
alrites, i guess only after common test then can really blog again ba...
Chinese garden
Posted by
Melody Ya Wen
9:47 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wah.. sian, went to chinese garden today after museum trip. Took a long time to take that few pathetic pics. Legs now so sore la, cos never really sit today; in museum, stand; at garden, stand again..
Blog again other days ba. Today really tire out le.. Sorry!
Blog again other days ba. Today really tire out le.. Sorry!
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- Melody Ya Wen
- A capricorn baby, born in 1990. As a dog lover, i will often blog about my dog, bebe's life.. If you love my posts, please enjoy reading; if not, please do close this page and carry on with your work..