
See? the whole floor all blackout, but this is from the right corner, the left corner and beyond ok.

My bro, toking to his gf, kena scolded by my dad for "enjoying this moment" away, lol

Weird.. Only our block kena, opp never.

My dad was super fed up, cos my mum was doing her dialysis halfway, when the machine stopped. I asked him to call the emergency number, he said nvm, think will have pple call liao.
Half an hr later, i searched for him the number, asking him to call. He agreed, and the caller said that the town council had already been notified, will be fixed soon.
At arnd 11.30, still havent recover.. My dad was swearing away, saying, "those engineers cycled here to fix isit?!!", LOL!
The electricty came back at 11.46pm. Yay, finally.. I wan my air-con back ok??
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