Was damned happy when dear bought a new hp for me, hehe..
He also bought one for himself as he was signing new line at M1, he got the W508, a white one, cos the M1 shop at IMM dun huf the black one..
I was quite fortunate, as IMM dun huf the hp, then when we arrived at JP, there were only 2 such model left..
The person says even the color also has one only.. Rose color de..!!
Haha! NVM la! i wanted tht color all the while, so, hehehe, of course in the end i still buy. The color display very nice wor, and especially the gesture control system. Just by waving ur hand back and forth (not too fast), u can silent ur alarm and call alert tones!!!
I am quite sure, that any girl who wants a thin and stylish design will fall in love wif it in first sight de lor.. LOL!
I couldn't upload my hp pics though.. duno why oso, after i click "done", the post is still empty leh. I will try again some day. Right now damned stressed with new media, the always-so-time-consuming-module. 20 PHOTOs for them. Man, we are human leh, 2 wks how to take? u cant just take anyhow ma, need the rite time and mood and subject de ma.. Sianzzz
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*The Beauty Phase*
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- Melody Ya Wen
- A capricorn baby, born in 1990. As a dog lover, i will often blog about my dog, bebe's life.. If you love my posts, please enjoy reading; if not, please do close this page and carry on with your work..

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