Ok, back to my trip. Dear and me went to east coast today, bringing our baby, Bebe. He seldoms goes out, although it is not the first time travelling in a car with us, he still panicks when we are somewhere unfamiliar to him (except the part where he learns how to balance himself at the car back seat le).
Below are 2 photos which i took. Not in a good angle though, cos i was at the front, strapped on seatbelt.
LOOK AT HIS BIG SMILE!!!!! OMG! hahaha!!!!
Ok.. We are at ECP now.. Bebe, upon coming out of the car, immediately rushed for the tree.
He has to complete his mission - conquering territories!!!!
Conquering again..
We reached this part of ECP, a nice time to go, peaceful and quiet..
Bebe, staring at dear's back as he left to throw items. The 2 like super glue lidat. I jealous one ok? 人狗恋。
We brought bebe to the beach sand there, but he like always, panicked.
Random pic. Doesn't it look nice there? Even though was left by a group of students taking photos there earlier on. Hmm.. Good post ah coke!
We realised that it was really getting late. We headed back to car.
Found this nice seashell. I love the shell color. =D
On our way home, wonderful clouds.. Very colorful.Its near sunset way there. Luckily, at least the colors blend in nicely, dun look stormy.
Taken while dear was driving. Can tell from the lighting that it was quite late liao.
** Sorry for the bad graphic, will change into a real camera soon, when IT fair starts. Cos i currently using hp camera. =( Saddies..
This was ECP before we left. Love the feel it brings out.
All right, that's all for today. Will blog again soon, hopefully.. ><
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