Then we went to his house, washed the vegetables, prawns, cut onions garlic and get ready to cook in 20mins time. I realised his bed hor, got no bed leh.. I mean, really no bed, only frame. I asked him, then he said cos spoilt le, and he had to sleep using 4 chairs to form one long narrow "bed". ke lian ah!!!! Nvm, tmr we go ikea buy ba =).
So after that, we cooked. (paiseh nv take pics of the food.. cos of the terrible lighting, the food looks erm, inedible, but tastes really nice..) =D.
Me camwhoring.. sadly, i look super ugly here, cos of sore eyes =(
Dear dear washing plates after dinner, rare occurence leh, lol!
Saw this kawaii empty bottle. Tat day we bought at some japan products fair at BP.
If you notice, the unique thing is the marble inside.. Doesn't it remind you of a drink bottle many years ago, with dragon picture de..
Another fuuny discovery: Burmese writings.. Dear duno what it means, cos he duno how to read..
Our dessert of the day: Coconuts
And juice.. =)
Dear's hamster, ding ding. He should be called bui bui lor, damn fat, eat and sleep whole day.
Oops!I think i woke him up..!
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